Teflon™ Fluoropolymers in Semiconductor Manufacturing

At the Heart of Smarter and Smaller Technology

Each day, smart devices connect our world like never before. As our reliance on these devices grows, so does the demand for high-performance, low-cost semiconductor technologies.

The accelerated adoption of AI, electrified transportation, and inter-connects technologies are driving demand for increasingly powerful and efficient integrated circuits that will challenge the known limits of chip design scale and complexity. To meet the increasingly strict requirements of greater chip functionality and higher yields, integrated device manufacturers (IDMs) and foundries will depend on advanced process reliability and low defectivity like never before. Learn more.

Implication of such technology advancement include:

  • Mega-fab construction remains a way to gain competitive edge through economy of scale and production flexibility, leading to growing material demand at semiconductor cluster locations
  • AI accelerators and other advanced chips (e.g., 3D-NAND) need smaller nodes and more advanced chip architecture, leading to higher purity requirements and higher performance polymers
  • Potential regulation around fluorinated products heightening need to working with reputable, industry leading material supplier to ensure continuous growth